2021 Roundup and Honourable Mentions

Posted on Thursday, 09 December, 2021

Firstly, we want to thank each and every one of you who rode with us this year. It has been a challenging year for everyone but thankfully we have a great hobby that keeps us fit, healthy and more importantly, is loads of fun. Thank you for the memories and thank you for your continued support.

We thought it would be good to sign off this year with a few facts about our events, as well as give a shout out to some of our riders that have stood out to us this year.

Facts and Figures

In 2021 we hosted 19 events around Great Britain (not including cancelled or virtual events). And during those 19 event days, you lot have covered just over a staggering 1.1 million km, collectively. That's pretty immense! Here are a few other interesting facts:

10998 - Riders attended
5687 km - All route distances combined
22472 m - Elevation climbed if you cycled all our long routes
1088 kg - Bananas consumed
19246 - OTE bars chomped
9756 - Cans of Jimmys enjoyed
9744 - Cans of beer necked
8248 - OTE gels energised riders

Honourable Mentions

We've had some seriously dedicated riders at our events this year, some of whom we've taken note of and wanted to share with you.


We have seen the Whistler family out in force this year, participating in both our Classic road series and Gravel series events later in the year, taking full advantage of our Rook routes, great work!


Each year we see some really committed riders returning again and again. They simply can't get enough of cycling.

Mark Aulsbery (below left) has been on a mission this year completing 14 of our events. Great work, Mark. Keep it up! 

Andy Mooney (below right) is another dedicated UKCE rider, having completed 13 rides with us this year. Superb effort, Andy.


Pam and Chris Allen certainly put in the miles to make it to our events, attending most of our south coast events while being based in Lancashire. With the multiple journeys to and from the south coast, they win the title of furthest travelled. We always see this pair with a smile on their face.


As you know, we take a lot of photos during our events so this one was a little tricky to pick - especially seeing as there are thousands of great shots to choose from. Below is our pick of the bunch.


Thank you for all your support this year. We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and hope to see you again at a cycling event in 2022

The UKCE Team

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